Why you need network security for your home network


Schools have it, banks have it, but why do you need it?

Network security is not something to be taken lightly. Public institutions make use of network safeguards because they handle sensitive information, but then so do you.

There are two types of network: wired and wireless. A wired network is as the name implies: connections are established through cables that connect straight to devices. Wired networks are more secure and reliable compare to wireless because they are directly connected.

Wireless networks are infinitely more convenient but far more prone to exploitation, because the signals can be intercepted. However, it is possible for the unscrupulous to gain access to your information through either, which is why it is important to safeguard your home network.

Home network security is very important to establish right from the start because of the activities that are performed via the internet. If you think about it, you don’t just use the internet to look at cute pictures of cats, or to send Aunt Martha an annual email. You use it to perform transactions with sensitive information through IRD, banking, and credit card purchases.

Using an unsecured wireless network to purchase something online is the same as withdrawing cash from the ATM with your pin number written on your forehead: You don’t know who is watching and waiting to steal your information.

We’ve all been taught right from the start to shield our pin when using the ATM, so why aren’t we all shielding ourselves online, too?

It is a simple matter for someone to hack into your unsecured wireless network and monitor your activities. Like a spider, hackers lie in wait for you to type in emails, passwords, and credit card numbers so that they can take advantage of you, and unless you’re computer-savvy, you won’t even know they’re there.

So how can you stop this from happening?

The first thing you can do is to restrict access to your network by enabling a password. If they don’t know the password it’s much more difficult to get in.

The second thing to do is to install anti-spyware, which will scan your systems for any existing viruses, malware, Trojans, and keyloggers. Not only is it useful for rooting out the existing problems, anti-spyware also prevents future illicit downloads, and blocks websites and emails that are deemed risky.

Thirdly, change the username and password on your router from the standard default admin to something original. If hackers know the default admin username and password it is a simple matter to access your systems.

Taking these preventative steps will save you a lot of grief in the future, and you will feel safer about your online activities than ever before.

Many users will be able to instigate these measures on their own, but for many others it’s a confusing mess that they would like help in sorting out. That’s where Advanced Computers steps in. With over 10 years experience in assisting customers with computer set-up, we can easily help you get your wireless network up and running, safely and securely.

Give us a call today on 0508 PC SERVICE (727 378) or email us at info@advancedcomputers.co.nz
We’d be happy to help!

Posted in Computer Tips.